Monday, January 23, 2012

The family that plays together, stays together

I absolutely love the title of this post, for two reasons:
1. The theme of this groom's cake was cornhole, thus the family (wedding) and plays (cornhole).  A bit of overexplaining but I tend to do that so oh well.
2.  This couple is so cute to me.  They really are very much in synch with one another. 
The best example that I can think of is when we were at another couple's wedding shower.  We played several games, with the theme of each game being very different from the others.  Kevin and Julie must have won every game and it was really cute to watch them play together.  I know that this is a cheesy example but it really was cute because they would feed off of the other one's answer and they would discuss everything until they agreed.  On the other hand, Bryant and I did terrible because we spent most of the time arguing over who was right (typical). 

Then, to see this couple on the day before their wedding was sweet.  Julie is a perfectionist.  I don't know her as well as some in this close circle of friends but I can tell that she strives for perfection and has high expectations for herself.  I admire her for this.  Their wedding was beautiful and very well thought out and I could tell that she had a hand in all of the decisions because everything was just right.  And then there is Kevin (one of my favorites of Bryant's friends).  He has a very calming effect on people.  Well, maybe not all people but he definitely has one on me so I believe that he must be that way with most, including Julie.  I feel like they compliment each other very well and they seem like the best of friends.  That is what I think is most important in a marriage, is to be your other half's best friend.  Kevin and Julie- I wish you a happy and fulfilling life together. 

I was honored to be asked to make the groom's cake for this lovely couple (and Dexter, their dog, too)...may you have many a game of cornhole in your future.  :)

(P.S.- I have to thank my pappy for making the cake boards and my husband for painting them for me)

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