Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Wolf in Groom's Clothing

I am a few weeks behind on posting this but I owe my beautiful friend Elizabeth LaVigne a post about her husband's cake.  Let's give a little back story.  Elizabeth and I were in the same sorority in college but were not really friends until I moved to Charlotte.  We are actually more than just friends, we are birthday buddies as we were both born on May 29, 1984 (and this is the first time in many years that I will not be celebrating with her).  I truly feel lucky to have found her as a friend and to be perfectly honest, I didn't realize how lucky I was until I was leaving Charlotte last December.  I have always known that she is loads of fun and that she is always so happy.  I knew that she was a good friend but when my girl friends threw me a going away party last Christmas, I realized just how well she knew me and just how much she thought of me.  At our Christmas party, everyone, thoughtfully, put together a going away basket with items that reminded them of me.  I was so overwhelmed by all of them but I was most touched by Liz.  She really put so much thought into every item and expressed so much excitement every time I opened one of her items.  She got me a book of political jokes because I like politics and some book mark post its because I like to take notes when I read.  I was the last to catch on to the "that's what she said" jokes so she got me an entire book of those (which I crack up at from time to time).  There were a few other sweet, thoughtful items but the one that probably meant the most was the little cake ornament from her because baking cakes is something that has become so special to me.  And then when she asked me to make the groom's cake for her wedding, I was so honored, mainly because Elizabeth has such amazing taste and she had put so much trust in me to give her husband a cake that he would love.  And while I am speaking of the groom, it may be a good time to bring up her special man, Adam.  Adam is most certainly what I would call a unique individual.  He is sarcastic and southern (NASCAR fan and all) and he is really very funny but most importantly, he loves my friend Elizabeth.  So it really was such a pleasure to make a this red velvet delight for them.  There were some challenges since I was making the cake in North Carolina while all of my tools were in Colorado.  With that being said, I have to give a special shout out to Kristen Genett for helping me make sure that this cake was as spectacular as a 2500 mile cake could be.  And I have to thank Elizabeth LaVigne for putting so much faith in me and allowing me to be a tasty part of her special weekend.  I miss having her in my life more regularly but I like knowing that she will always be a dear friend, no matter the number of miles between us.